18.02. Die-in at Berlinale

MittPro-Palestine Activists Stage Intervention at the Berlinale Film Festival 2024

“Within the halls of Gropius Bau, local and international activists intervened at the European Film Market with a synchronized banner drop from the balcony of the lobby. The banners said “Lights, Camera, Genocide!” and “Don’t shoot on Stolen Land”. Simultaneously flyers, much like those that the IDF has been dropping en masse in Gaza, cascaded from the upper floors of the lobby into the center. These flyers aimed to replicate the evacuation orders imposed by the IDF, highighting the forced displacement of Palestinians. Chants of “Free Palestine” erupted from the activists and even from the guests.

In front of Gropius Bau a die-in was also held, in which bodies were arranged horizontally in a column symbolizing a carpet of dead corpses, referencing the genocide in Gaza and the murdered Palestinians. A banner was held with the inscription “Welcome to the Red Carpet.” Additionally, flyers were distributed, featuring the names of the killed Palestinian artists along with a brief statement about the current situation.”