“Am 11. März gehen wir gemeinsam auf die Straße gegen die Waffenindustrie, die Israel aufrüstet! Deutschland Continue reading 11.03 STOP ARMING ISRAEL
Category Archives: March 2024
10.03. Fundraising Concert – Ghassan Abu Sittah Children’s Fund
“An incredible array of performers will be gracing the @kuehlhausberlinofficial stage on 10th March. We look forward to seeing you there to do justice for the necessary work of @gabusittahchildrensfund and be a part of a beautiful and healing evening of music and readings.”
10.03. Gaza is being Starved
09.03 Demonstration at Wilmersdorferstr/Kanstr
08.03 Down with Imperialist Feminism
Call out: “Colonial and neoliberal powers construct a single model of feminism: the feminism of the oppressors that is limited to a so-called “women’s rights’” framework to serve their interests. This feminism is an accomplice in the system of oppression. Their “democratic” saviorism justifies their wars, occupation, detention centers, murderous borders and walls. This is Imperialist Feminism.
Imperialist feminism has always been part of the colonial project, serving as the “innocent” face of colonial violence. The “protection” of western-centric feminism has historically been used to economically and militarily subjugate countries of the Global South. Billions of dollars and euros go to fund occupation, genocides, oppressive regimes and exploitation in the name of liberating and saving women.
The new wave of fascism in Germany becomes loud and clear with the hypocrisy of imperialist feminism and its love for performative action. The deceptive activism that calls out against facism on the street while they’re complicit in the genocidal actions of the fascist israeli regime and oppressing & criminalizing any voice of palestinian resistance.
We do not forget their bloody hands, currently and over the centuries, in the Global South: in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Tigray, Artsakh, Peru, Libya, Iraq and all the countries with brutal colonial histories. Let’s take to the streets to show the corrupt powers of this world that we neither forget nor forgive.
We, Alliance of Internationalist Feminists, know that self-organization and self-defense are our strength in fighting against imperialism, fascism, capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Only an internationalist resistance will put an END to colonial borders and imperialist agendas.
We are standing with the resistance of our siblings from the Global South in their fight against patriarchy, capitalism, apartheid, fascism, displacement, land theft and ethnic cleansing. We are countless and our history and struggles for liberation and justice are intertwined.
None of us is free until all of us are free!”
08.03 Statement on arbitrary police repression and violence at Internationalist 8th March Demo
Alliance of Internationalist Feminists statement on arbitrary police repression and violence at this years internationalist queer-feminist 8th March demonstration in Berlin.
Statement ueber Die Willkürliche Polizeirepression und Gewalt bei der diesjaehrigen Internationalistischen Queer-feministischen 8.Maerz Demonstration in Berlin. Continue reading 08.03 Statement on arbitrary police repression and violence at Internationalist 8th March Demo
08.03. A Grieving Doves Mourning Procession in Solidarity with our sisters in Palestine
Grieving Doves organised a WALK OF GRIEF procession to stand in solidarity with Palestinian sisters* and mourn the loss of mothers, daughters, grandmothers, girls, and women who have tragically been killed to ongoing genocide and occupation.
The procession was marked with poetry, singing, soft music, and the presence of “Filastin” a living memorial honoring those killed in Gaza. Guests attended with white flags and white clothes. .
“Specifically for the 8.3, we aim to honor Palestinian women*, who often find themselves as primary targets in this ongoing genocide and apartheid. Violent militarism, damaging narratives surrounding Palestinians of all genders (and because of their gender), and patriarchal support systems represent just a glimpse into the complex intersectional struggles faced by Palestinians”
06.03-09.03. Hassan Elzaneen photo exhibition「Exodus
Hassan Elzaneen is an 18 years old young visual artist based in Gaza. Hassan is volunteering at an NGO, Tamer Institute, which works on psychological relief and support for children.
His photographs and drawings, as well as the texts written by children who worked with him show us the creative urge in the midst of bombing and tell us the necessity of art.
This exhibition in Berlin, titled “Exodus”, showcased his life between tenderness, struggle and grief.
Hassan and his family are currently in Rafah and trying to cross the border to Egypt. His friends set a crowdfunding for them. Please check it here: gofund.me/25e14ccf
06.03. Gropius Bau – Banner Drop
02.03. Global South Resists
A mass demonstration with Germany-wide mobilisation reclaimed the streets of Berlin.
“Resistance gives us meaning. Resistance is an on-going purpose. From Gaza to Algolan Heights, from Jenin to Idlib, from Al-Quds to Cairo, from Tulkarm to Ayn al-Hilweh and Shatila, from Nablus to Al-Yarmouk Camp and Al-Nayrab Camp, from Palestine to all of the diaspora; we see no borders!
Take your hands off our countries, get out with your oppressive settler-colonial forces, and we will find our way to the freedom and justice we aspire to – from Palestine to Congo to Sudan to Syria, from Afghanistan to Pakistan to Egypt to Lebanon to Yemen to Iraq to Iran, and to Kurdistan.
Together, we end colonialism, racism, and white supremacy!”