A spontaneous demonstration called at 23:30 as news of the massacre in Rafah hits Berlin. The police threatened to ban the demo, did not allow chants and forbid the showing of printed images of what is happening in Gaza.
Category Archives: Welcome
24.05 Lawyers collective statement on the eviction of Jabalia Institute EN
Lawyers’ collective Berlin Berlin, 24.05.2024
Translated through deepl website
Lawyers’ collective on the eviction of the Jabalia Institute (Institute for Social Sciences) at Humboldt University on 23.05.2024
The brutal eviction of students from the Jabalia Institute in violation of the rule of law is now another worrying low point in the repression against people in solidarity with Palestine in Berlin and Germany.
Several lawyers from our collective Continue reading 24.05 Lawyers collective statement on the eviction of Jabalia Institute EN
24.05 Anwält*innenKollektiv zur Räumung des Jabalia Institut DE
Anwält*innenKollektiv Berlin Berlin, 24.05.2024
Anwält*innenkollektiv zur Räumung des Jabalia Institut (Institut für Sozialwissenschaften) an der Humboldt-Universität am 23.05.2024
Die brutale und rechtsstaatswidrige Räumung der Studierenden aus dem Jabalia Institut ist nunmehr ein weiterer besorgniserregender Tiefpunkt in der Repression gegen Palästina-solidarische Menschen in Berlin und Deutschland.
Mehrere Anwält*innen aus unserem Kollektiv Continue reading 24.05 Anwält*innenKollektiv zur Räumung des Jabalia Institut DE
30 hour occupation violently evicted, police officers sexually assault a comrade
Journalist statement: “Berlin – Students who occupied Humboldt University for 30 hours in solidarity with Palestine were arrested and evicted from the university by police on May 23rd. Students said that the police turned off their cameras while they were being brutally beaten by the police, but started filming again when the students were evicted. A journalist was also attacked while filming inside the university, with blood on his ear from the beating, his arms and face were swollen. Police also arrested the lawyer and the paramedic who were inside for the students.”
Statement about sexualised violence by police officers
Statement from Diaspora rising in images: Continue reading 23.05 EVICTION OF JABALIA INSTITUTE
deutsch unten
To the press and the public,
Committed to the Struggle
Student Resistance Continues
We are occupying
Humboldt University of Berlin
We, the students of Berlin, announce the opening of the Jabalia Institute in the former “Department of Social Sciences” of Humboldt University of Berlin, as an act of unwavering solidarity with Palestinians.
As Palestinian suffering continues, so does our resistance. Committed to the struggle against all systems of oppression, we cannot accept the complicity of the German state and its institutions Continue reading 22.05 HUMBOLDT UNI OCCUPATION: WELCOME TO THE JABALIA INSTITUTE
22.05 Flashmob Riots as a Tactic for Free Palestine on the Streets of Neukölln
from Anon at Abolition Media
“Night after night // We risk it all to gain a moment of freedom // We let our rage and heartbreak guide us into the land of the unknown // We momentarily break through empire where we control space and time // We attack // We repeat
Schmob: a pro-palestinian flash mob that surreptiously erupts and breaks into riotous chaos
A few hundred protestors hide, well dispersed across a plaza in Neukölln. Everything looks normal, Berliners drinking beer in the park, people walking their dogs. Someone suddenly shouts “From the River to the Sea” and from dozens of locations, people emerge towards each other, putting kuffieyeh’s over their heads and responding “Palestine will be free.” In a matter of seconds, we are hundreds blocking the busy street. Pretty soon there will be fireworks, dumpsters lit, and barricades built all across the neighborhood. We do this night after night, becoming more dangerous every time.
Neukölln is home to one of the largest Palestinian populations outside of the Middle East. It is full of arabs and gentrifying hipsters. There are Continue reading 22.05 Flashmob Riots as a Tactic for Free Palestine on the Streets of Neukölln
18.05 Nakba Demo
Thousands of demonstrators commemorate Nakba Day and denounce the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948
from Juedische Stimme: “Yesterday we marched together with tens of thousands of people commemorating and fighting the ongoing Nakba. This was the first Nakba Demo that could take place in Berlin after several years of criminalization. The arbitrary arrests of people wearing Kuffiyeh around Hermannplatz is a practice that the Berlin police department had established around the criminalization of the Nakba commemoration already years ago. This years Nakba demo in Berlin was powerful and essential for the struggle. Free Palestine and may the exiled return soon!”
Repression update: Police carry out brutal attacks on protestors, beat many people up, several arrests, pepper spray the crowds, taking away the lauti (sound system and microphone). The police violence at such a big weekend demonstration is extreme Continue reading 18.05 Nakba Demo
15.05 Anon Report about Graffiti and Stencil Mobilisation for Nakba-Day
Friedrichshain: Mobi-Graffiti & Stencils für NAKBA-DEMO 18.5. 14:00 O-Platz
Author: anonym
“In mehreren Kiezen von Berlin-Friedrichshain tauchen vermehrt Pro-Palästina-Parolen und Stencils an den Wänden und auf den Gehwegen auf. In vielen Stadtteilen Berlins ist es schon Normalität geworden; und Kreuzberg, Wedding und vor allem Neukölln sind sicherlich die unangefochtenen Hochburgen der antikolonialen Wandpropaganda für die Freiheit von Palästina und gegen den Genozid.
Doch jetzt im Vorfeld des NAKBA-Tag (15.5.) rücken die Szenestadtteile von Friedrichshain verstärkt auf – mit Stencils, Graffiti und Plakatierungen, Continue reading 15.05 Anon Report about Graffiti and Stencil Mobilisation for Nakba-Day
15.05 Call to action to Anarchists and Autonomous from the neighbourhoods
Call for Demo & Direct Actions
published at: https://radar.squat.net/en/node/480066 and https://kontrapolis.info/13078/
“Call for participating in the Nakba-Day Demonstration on 18.05.2024 and for direct action on Nakba-Day on 15.05.2024 ⒶAnarchists and Autonomous from the neighborhoods (deutsch siehe unten)
As anarchists, Continue reading 15.05 Call to action to Anarchists and Autonomous from the neighbourhoods